Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Just Trust Me!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
How often we have told our children, "Don't run in the street"? Or, "Don't touch the stove"? Or, "Do your homework - Your education is important"? Or, "Don't fool around with drugs"? Or how about this one: "Just trust me, will you?"
There will be times when we need our children to simply trust us. Times when they need to stop questioning, stop asking why, and simply obey - even when they don't understand the reasons. We tell them to trust that we know best.
In the same way, God wants us to obey Him - even though we may not understand and just can't figure out why. "Simply obey My word," He says. We may not fully "get it" yet He asks us to trust Him in spite of our lack of complete understanding.
We can always trust Him to know what's best. That's what we desire from our own children - and that's what our heavenly Father wants from us.
Father God, if we as sinful human beings
show true concern for our children,
how could we ever think You would do any less?
Forgive me for trusting my own understanding
rather than Your wisdom.
After I laid my daughter down for her afternoon nap... I prayed, and asked for Gods peace, strength and wisdom. To keep fear, anxieties, anger and frustration away! Being a stay at home mommy is one of the toughest jobs. Being a parent in general is tough! But, truly a blessing. I ask God everyday to lead and guide me to be a better mother for my children.
Last night, during one of my daughters normal wake ups to eat. I held her close, rocked her. And I will admit I even held her awhile after she went back to sleep in my arms. The days of getting up in the middle of the night to feed her are coming to end very soon now that she is 9 months old! I am cherishing every moment I can!

Then today, Laundry needed to be done to keep my home in order for my husband and my children. So instead of grumbling about much time and attention my daughter demands and how I just can't get it done... I involved her! Made it a game. And we made memories. The laundry is now folded, and she is fast asleep with the visions of a sweet memory with mommy!

Yesterday after I left the church for band rehearsal. My son was with his JROTC team right across the street. Our worship leader had me sing one song and then let me go instead of staying the whole rehearsal. So I stopped in and surprised him for his awards ceremony! What a sweet gift! To put that smile on his face.

Our children will remember the love, the memories, and how we were there for them. They won't remember that the laundry wasn't completely done, and that the house needed to be picked up. She will remember being on the floor playing peek a boo with the towels. The trophy my sons team won, will sit on a shelf and collect dust. But he will remember looking up into the bleachers to see his mom cheering him on! She won't remember how bad my knees and back hurt while sitting on the hard wood floor with her. She will remember that mommy was on the floor WITH her playing ball!!!
God Loves us, and wants our time, our attention. Just like our children crave, love, and NEED our attention. He knows we are very busy people. It definitely takes a lot to run a home. But, with love, patience, and all of our loved ones around us.. laughing, playing, warm food, a sweet animal in your lap or laying in a corner watching us. It's a complete peace. Yes, We are tired, our bones ache. But, a complete peace... THAT is resting in HIM. He says "Trust Him!" Stop worrying about all the little things you are worrying about. Tell God about it. Let Him carry it.. And focus on the important things. That sweet baby toddling around the floor. Get down there and play!
But I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress
my refuge in times of trouble.
Psalm 59:16
You are my strength, I sing praise to you;
you, God, are my fortress,
my God on whom I can rely.
Psalm 59:17

Monday, September 22, 2014

Calm Down!
~Psalm 131~

Lord, My heart is not haughty,
Nor my eyes lofty.
Neither do I concern myself with great matters,
Nor with things too profound for me.
Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul,
Like a weaned child with his mother;
Like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forever.

           I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I stop to pray- even if my surroundings are quiet and calm, my mind is going a million miles a minute! I just can’t seem to quiet my mind down enough to pray - or even for Him to speak to me. It’s like my mind is a wild race horse running away from it’s owner-“Hey! Get back here, I need you!”

In the quietness I managed to make happen in my home... I start to pray...

“Dear Lord,
       What do I do about this, and what about that, and just UGH! No, I don't want to look at my sins? Can I just pray? I start to fight with my own conscience and then, Great! my phones ringing…. Is that the baby? I thought she was asleep. NO! Jesus my heart and mind are running mad, I wish I was on a Billy Graham retreat, remember those lady retreats? The peace, and resting in Him, I wish I was back on one of those, but wait, I'm in the bath tub, or the closet, or wherever I have chose my quiet place to be today. Ok so,  …  I have a million things to discuss with you, and to talk about,  and an innumerable amount of prayer requests for others, is there room for me, my kids, and my family? I still have to do the dishes and get some work done, so the house is in order for my husband when he gets home from working all day.. and Oh! do you know what someone said to me? Oh yes, my husband, and my dad, and my job, and my dance career, oh yes and thank you for my talents, and an awesome husband that will keep the baby while I go dance, or grab coffee. Thank you for my AWESOME CHURCH! Our amazing God fearing pastor, our life group, but oh! Can you make it possible for me to be in 4 places at once? I want to be there for our friends. Oh I want to pray for my hurting friend who needs....  Our ladies on a mission trip. Thank you for ... Ugh, Lord I’m all confused and my mind is going too fast for me to pray right now.. Oh Jesus, help me calm down!

I sat in silence-a bit. Sad that I was too hyper in my mind to feel like I could talk to God.
  Again I asked “ Lord help me calm down so I can pray"
“ I have calmed and  quieted myself”
Lord, my heart is not proud;
my eyes are not haughty.
I don’t concern myself with matters too great
or too awesome for me to grasp.
Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—  now and always
-I Looked for scripture, to calm my soul-

Wow, that’s weird……I just prayed for that. I began to read, reread, ponder and meditate until I had the entire verse memorized.  After studying this scripture, something supernatural happened. It was amazing.  How can I explain it?  I felt as if I was underwater swimming – in a beautiful place- quietness surrounded me and my soul was calm. My mind was refreshed and silenced as I looked in awe and wonder of God’s great creation.  Quiet… beautiful.. I also love when it just releases. I cry. Crying can be soooo super refreshing during prayer.

    To prepare my mind and heart for prayer, I search for a quiet resting place, this may be the bathroom, your front porch, coffee in hand. Its not too hard to find. Even just 2 minutes!

Walk with me through the scripture

Psalm 131:

 Lord my heart is not Proud

             I don’t consider myself above others, this only leads to restlessness. I don’t hunger for adoration or attention. I consider Moses, the most humble man on the earth. I put others first. This humbleness and contentment allows God’s leading in our life. I don’t need to prove myself to others, but the Lord is my security.
           I keep far from pride and check my heart for any hidden pride that may have snuck in. Uh oh! Everytime I meditate on this, it's as if the Lord opens my eyes to hidden sins I didn’t see. Maybe unforgivness snuck in, I mistreated someone. Didn't put Him first?  Father keep me humble. Teach me to live like Jesus, seeing others greater than I, and to be a servant to others. Not to seek fame, wealth or anything this world has to offer. But to give my life heart and mind to You.

My eyes are not haughty
My eyes do not condemn others. I don’t think I’m better than other people. I put others first and consider them. Have I been selfish? Have I looked down on someone else because of the way they look or dress? Lord, forgive me for my pride and help me live with a humble heart.  Put others first – this is the way to lead others to Christ. Teach me to die to myself and let Christ reign in my life.

I don’t consider myself with things to great for me to grasp. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me.     
     I put my life in the Lord’s hands and trust Him. I bring my thoughts, anxieties and my unanswered questions captive to Jesus. I don’t worry about matters that surround me, for I know the Lord takes care of me. I remember Isaiah 51:12 that reminds me not to worry about the words of defeat and despair around me, but to put all my trust in my heavenly Father. Sure, I want all the answers….but patience is key as well as bringing thoughts to Christ.
       Don’t sit and worry- Why? How? What if? What’s going to happen? What will they think of me? Don’t worry and don’t be concerned with these things. Think only of things that are true, God honoring, worthy of Praise, trustworthy,  holy, thankfulness, noble and virtuous (Phil 4:8) Bringing all things up to Him in prayer.
I have calmed and quieted myself
         Ah – that feels good to be calm and worry free. God has calmed my heart. It is like diving into a beautiful ocean deep within the sea. There is quietness and calmness around me and in my heart and I am surrounded by His Glory and beauty. In wonderous awe, I am silenced as I see the beauty that surrounds me. By His awesome works and His mighty Power.
          Be calm and quiet- Fix your thoughts
Like a weaned child with his mother
        My complete trust and faith in Him grows more and more each day. I know He takes care of me and will always supply all my needs. I don’t need to throw myself on the ground, kicking and screaming about what may happen tomorrow. I know the Lord will supply and surround me with all the grace I need for each day.
       Like a child who fully trusts in his parents- who doesn’t need to worry about tomorrow- so is my soul within me.
Like a weaned child is my soul within me
  Just in case it didn’t sink in the first time,  the bible repeats this for confirmation as a content child, so is my soul- fully trusting, content, and calm. I am like a child who has everything he wants or needs. My heart is calm and content. I have everything I need in Christ Jesus. I am happy, content and quiet- and so is my soul.  The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He leads me, He guides me, He restores me and prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever
O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forever.
   Dear Child of God, you can put your trust in Him. O Lord, I put all my hope in you, now and forever.

  I’ve been tested on calmness the entire time I’ve been writing this post. My daughter decided now would be the perfect time to have a meltdown and my phone kept going off. I got up to calm my daughter about 8 times. Which is fine, because she is my priority, but as I was fixing her some warm milk, I laughed and thought... How funny the enemy is, knowing I'm needing quiet and prayer time, and the distractions that just happen. So I asked God to put all of that aside.

My own heart may be calm at this present moment. But it is not always this easy. I try to do this EVERY hour of the day. It's a constant conscious decision to always talk to God, tell Him every thing that is happening as it happens. And to seek guidance, truth, wisdom and knowledge on each event. From making dinner to talking to a friend in need. He is Emmanuel, God with us. He is always there, waiting for us to ask Him for help. He wants to see that we are going to trust Him with our every move. And yes! It is hard most of the time because of the distractions! We forget! And try to do everything ourselves! When I start getting flustered and upset. I have to stop and say ok! What am I doing wrong?? And I put EVERYTHING on hold for even just a minute and a half and say God.. help, I am drowning. My family, my daughter, my husband, needs me. And I feel so weak. Turn off the cell phone, the computer, and everything noisy for just a moment. And REST in HIM. Instant espresso shot of coffee! God is addictive! Try Him today.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her"
Have you ever felt like most days you are drowning in laundry, housework, baby toys, milk and smelly diapers? Wondering where the life you dreamed of in your younger years is hiding?
You are not alone!
And mom.... You have a calling and a purpose that you might not even realize yet!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Do you remember that question?
Years ago, when you were pestered to define your future, what did you say? A scientist? An astronaut, a teacher?
I'm guessing nobody said - "Someday, I want to be a mess!"

But lets be honest, after marriage, childbirth, mortgages, wrinkles, potty training, and parent teacher conferences, that's exactly what many of us have become.
A Mess!
Most days, I find myself crying into my second cup of coffee, dreaming of another life. One that I can have just a few moments to complete one single thought or one single event without interruption!
But that is not my job. My job is a mommy. And I am to be strong, a leader, a protector. a doctor, a chef, the works! And I am to do it all without complaining or grumbling! PHILLIPPIANS 2:14
To be self controlled- pure, working at home, kind and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be riviled.

As parents, God has given each of us a specific calling. Our children were designed just for us, on purpose, by an intentional and flawless God. And the family adventure he assigned might not look like the life we imagined.
  • If you dreamed of frilly dresses and God gave you boys, or you expected a sidekick but your daughter prefers hanging with Dad. Perhaps a small part of you mourns the loss of that picture you painted in your head.
  • Maybe you’re the mom of a prodigal kid. Or a child sent to Jesus too soon in our eyes. So much heartache, so many tears. Surely this isn’t how it was supposed to be.
  • Maybe you never even planned to be a mom in the first place.
Your life is not a mistake.
Perhaps your dreams were.

Consider Mary. I’ll bet her family plans were a whole lot different from what God had in mind. Good Jewish girls in her day got married, had a farm full of kids, then raised them into shepherds and field workers and tradesmen who sheltered their dear mother in her golden years.
But instead.

God planted a baby in Mary’s womb before she knew marriage. And not just any baby, but the Son of the Most High God. Do you think she ever doubted her parenting wisdom? Uh, probably. Then all the dreams she long harbored for her son’s future—her own future—hung demolished on the cross.
Or so it seemed.

We know the full story, now don’t we. Beginning with Genesis and ending one day yet to come, when God’s purposes for Mary’s child will be wholly fulfilled in ways she never could have imagined—God set a spectacular plan in motion. Mary was just a chapter in the book. In all her heartache, how could she possibly have known?
Yet when God handed her this assignment of mom to the Savior of the World, did Mary whine, “But this isn’t how I expected my life to go!”

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said” LUKE 2:18
Granted, none of us gave birth to the perfect Son of God. Maybe some days your child seems more like the spawn of Satan. But consider this: God knew, from the beginning, exactly what children he was going to place in your arms. Which means he appointed you, and you alone, the exact right fit for your kids.

You are their mother on purpose.
Can you respond with Mary’s heart and pray, “Whatever you say, God. I’m yours.”

I was blessed with a beautiful babygirl 8 months ago. And most days I feel like I am drowning. I make the decision every day to trust God, for Him to give me strength to get through the day. And be all that she and my husband needs.

But then, it does seem like, I forget about myself. And we can't do that. Fortunately I am blessed with a husband that helps me soooo much and gives me breaks. But not all mommies have that.
We have to take a few moments to ourselves! To refresh!
To spend time with God.
By sticking close to God, my daughter and I are the beautiful mess' he designed us to be—hardships and victories included. The same goes for you and me.
You’re not just good enough to do this parenting job.
You’re meant to do it.
God says so.

Those precious babies are looking up to YOU! What a gift! That God chose YOU!
Love, Melia Harrington

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Helping your family build a relationship with Christ
{When your own is struggling}
I have a friend who is really good at quiet times with the Lord - reading the Bible, journaling, praying. When she's been with God, her face is so happy and peaceful. You can just tell she loves God, you know? 
This sort of reminds me of Moses in the Bible, when he came down from the mountain of God. His face was glowing because he had been near God!
See? You can almost sense it when people are close to God. It moves you, makes you think, inspires you...
I also sometimes find myself wondering... is the opposite true?
What if I feel FAR from God? What if I'm struggling - with anxieties, with selfishness, with just plain old haven't-spent-time-with-God-enough..
What then? For the people around me? My family, my kids? Can they sense it? How can I lead them to Christ if I'm struggling myself?
I have great tenderness in my heart for the asker of this question... Because she, the friend, is me.
Growing up, I could have won awards for church attendance, I had devotions every day! I memorized bible verses, worshipped, the whole nine yards.
Since being a mother, I have been humbled.
I battle anxiety, I crumble under the weight of being a stay at home mommy, I struggle to give, give and give to my children, or my husband. Especially when I'm exhausted. I lose my temper, complain, make my home a place of chaos, instead of peace, and I fall behind in my quiet times.
I still love the Lord with every fiber of my being, and I need Him desperately. But often I feel guilty for not "doing" enough in my relationship with God. And I get worried.
How can I lead my family to Jesus, if I myself am struggling?
Do you ever feel this way? There is much to be said on this topic! The beautiful irony of the Gospel is that we are loved, not because we are worthy, but just because, we are loved.
When we are weak, we are strong in Him.
When you have reached the end of yourself, and know, you can't do it on your own, then you are exactly where you need to be!
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. {Psalm 34:18}

Practically speaking : don't let guilt, or months, or years keep you from the Lord. You can come today! And come as you are! While folding endless piles of clothes with whispered prayers for the family that wears them. You can come through tears, after tempers were lost and mistakes were made. You can come - right now! Just as you are. It's a lie from the pit that you think you can't! 
This brings tremendous hope and encouragement to me - that the Lord is always near and always working in my life, and the lives of those I love.
If you often feel overwhelmed with the idea of leading your family to Jesus, just remember these encouraging tips. 
* You are not alone, Jesus is right beside us
* Call on Him when you feel weak
* Don't believe the lie that you are too busy or weak to spend time with Him
* Do not complain - {Philippians 2:14} Do everything without grumbling or complaining.
* Work with a humbled heart
* Remember that others are always watching, and looking up to us for His light, especially once they KNOW you have His light inside of you.
How's your attitude today?
You may not feel close to Jesus today, but because of your good attitude, others may only see Him today because of YOU.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Colossians 2: 1-5
"My goal is that they will be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have full confidence because they have complete understanding of God's secret plan, which is Christ himself." Colossians 2:2
Let me be completely honest today, when I say, that this blog and devotion, is a tough one to do. I'm not sure really where I am evening going to go with my words. I just know that I have to write.
I am under extreme spiritual warfare right now.
I am so deeply in love with Christ, and so close to Him, that I actually already warned my family about this a few days ago. I knew it was going to happen.
And strangely enough, our pastor focused on Spiritual Warfare the last two weeks at church. Putting on the full body armor of God.
And believe me, I wake up everyday with the intention to put on the full armor.
No one said, being a child of God is easy. Once you accept Christ. Its all great and wonderful from here on out! And nothing bad will ever happen to you again! LIE!
But, Let me break that down...
Yes, Being His is great, wonderful. amazing, there are no words how deep the love goes... Your life will never be the same. Troubles will still come, trials, and heartaches..
But, dealing with each situation becomes more peaceful. Because in each trial we look to God.
He's an amazing God and wants to help us. Wants to hear from us. And wants the Glory. Through each trial I have been through in my life since I fell in love with Jesus, during and in the end has always shown His light, and helped others.
The issue, is to fully trust Him, and know that He is preparing our hearts for something GREAT!
I am in several battles right now, with my own health, with watching my father fight for his life, death of loved ones are all around me, my own strength and will are being tested everyday. I tried to start writing again.
Started sharing my heart through this blog and through devotions, and if you look back at the first few blogs. I have sent out the warning that I would be battled on making sure I get my heart and words to you. And sure enough. 2 days passed and I didn't get to write.
The first day, I got so completely distracted with so many other things I had to get done. And the second day, I literally stayed in bed depressed all day.
Thankfully, I know my God was fighting for me. I was praying for strength, and my family was right beside me cheering me on.
I am still weak, but I am fighting hard today.
So here are my words, here are my thoughts on how thankful I am to have a God who will never leave me nor forsake me.
Here are my thoughts on how grateful I am to have a family, and a loving supportive husband to stand by my side and fight to make me smile, and to remind me that I am a child of God, and that I am strong enough to show the enemy where to go!
This devotion is on Unity.
More can be accomplished together than separately. (I have tried to crawl in a hole and disappear the last two days) To take my pain, my confusion, and run and hide so that my loved ones didn't know I needed help. Which is satans LIE
There's a synergy that happens when individuals join their skills, talents, and resources together, focused on one single purpose. Goals are accomplished. People are in need, and as a child of God, it is our job to help others. And stand together in Unity.
But! Achieving unity and keeping it is no easy task: "Again I say, don't get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. The Lords servants must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone. They must be able to teach effectively and be patient with difficult people" (2 Timothy 2:23)
This is one I definitely struggle with lately. To avoid dealing with my own pain, I pick at the next closest person, which is usually my husband. The whole house hold becomes uneasy and tension stays in the air.
As a humble wife, and a mother, my job is to keep my house running smooth, and warm. A place to come and rest. With clean clothes, warm food on the table. Laughter and peace.
In Gods word, He acknowledges the challenges of working together, we realize how much we have to depend on God to achieve the unity he calls us to.
What is causing the quarrels and fights among you, isn't it the whole army of evil desires at war within you? You want what you don't have so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous for what others have and you quarrel to take it away from them and yet the reason you don't have what you want is that you don't ask God for it.
James 4:1-2
So what should we ask God for when we desire unity? According to James in the verses we just read, we should pray that we don't give in to the natural desire to react badly if we don't get what we want.
Here are some key elements that create unity
* Choosing a bond of peace - Ephesians 4:3
* Choosing to love above everything else - Colossians 3:14
* Choosing to keep Christ as the primary focus - Philippians 2:12
Today, I am blessed to have friends and family
that love and support me, and above all..
A God that protects me, and lifts me up when I
need Him.. The catch? Just love Him. Give Him
your life. Trust Him with all your being. He is
so beautiful!
Love Melia Harrington


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

ACTS 14:21-28
Dear Friends,
Todays devotion comes straight from a precious friend of mine.
Yesterday, was a tough day for me. The enemy fought me left and right. I was so beat down and wore out, that I slept until 10 am today!
Spiritual Warfare, is something we are focusing on in church right now, and something that my family is going through.
As Pastor John says, "If you are not running head on with satan, you are going in the same direction!"
God has some amazing things happening in my home right now. And the enemy can't stand it. But I am able to recognize it, stand tall, pray against it and put on the Armor of God, EVERYDAY!
No, I didn't say this was easy. But the rewards... Beautiful! Victorious! What blessings come from staying faithful to Him, and defeating the enemy in battle!
This morning I got a visit from a precious friend, who came to help me in my new business.
I am a stay at home mommy that wants to still contribute financially to my family. So I have decided to start my own business from home with Pampered Chef.
This precious friend, loves me and my family so dearly, that he came by to help out. Anytime we need a helping hand. He's there. When we need an ear, or a shoulder to cry on. He's there.
This is the true image of Jesus. He's always there. He's a hard worker. Loves life, and all the people in it. Not many people these days have this kind of love. It is disappearing slowly day by day.
For me and my family. I will demonstrate true love, true values. Love for others, serving others. And above all else. Love God.
Today, my friend said, "When you have friends, you treat them like family, we are here for each other, to lift each other up and support one another."
This hit home to me, hard. This sweet soul, came to my home early in the morning, to help me out. How many of us can honestly get up early to go to a friends house in need?
We want to.. We try to be that "rescuer" and take care of each other, as long as it doesn't involve our time or money.
Help our neighbor out... but, not when it comes to borrowing my things. Sound familiar?
This is NOT the image of Jesus. Treat others as Jesus Himself.
The word together is written more than twenty times in the book of ACTS.
It seems that the early church liked to be together and felt a need to be together.
What does togetherness accomplish?
One positive impact of togetherness is synergy. The American Heritage Dictionary defines synergy as the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effect.
That's exactly what the book of Acts is all about. A bunch of fishermen, a few tax gatherers, a couple of religious leaders, and a group of women met together. Out of the small band of afraid, mostly undereducated people, an entire belief system based on the truth of the gospel was forged, and the gates of hell have not prevailed against it!
If God has laid a plan or a passion on your heart, hold a get-together, Pray and then watch the synergy develop!
Thank you Jacob for visiting me today, for your kind words and love <3

Who is on your heart today? Someone you can call, send a message to? Maybe even get out a pen and paper and write a "hello, I'm thinking of you" letter and actually put it in the mail?

In the same way, Jesus wants to hear from us. He is always there. He wants to sit and talk with us. And love on us.
Family, is what we are working for. Some get distracted by working for nicer things, a nicer house, a nicer car, nicer clothes.
It's about love. Not many will care what your house looks like, they may just want that invitation to come by, fellowship and enjoy a meal.
I challenge you think of your friends today. Put aside your busy schedule for just a moment. And say hello, I love you.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 1
A Quiet Place of Rest
I must make a deliberate, daily choice to sit at His feet, to listen to His Word, to receive His love, to let Him change me <3 <3
As you begin, take a moment to quiet your heart before the Lord and focus on Him. Ask Him to speak to you, Let Him know that you are willing to listen and learn from Him through His Word.

Scripture passage: Mark 1 ( Read Mark 1 in your bible) <3
John the Baptist prepares the way for someone coming. Someone far greater than him! So great that he himself was not worthy enough to bend down like a slave to untie the straps of His sandals. John baptizes us in the water, but Jesus, baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus heals many people and teaches all of the towns of the good news! My favorite is Mark 1:23, a man was possessed by an evil spirit and began shouting. Jesus cut him short and said "Be Quiet!, Come out of the man!' The evil spirit screamed, threw the man into a convulsion and came out of him. The audience was amazed! , They began to discuss what happened.. About this new teaching, that has such authority that even evil spirits obey his orders! And the news about Jesus spread quickly!
Observations: What does this passage say? ( I have only written some of the key points of the chapter here) I challenge you to read the full chapter :)
I saw that he was sending his messenger ahead of me, he will prepare the way! Clear the road for Him! Jesus healed many people and cast out many demons. John the Baptist, baptized Jesus, and the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, a voice from heaven said, "You are my dearly loved son, and you bring me great joy!"
Interpretation: What does it mean?
The prophet Isaiah wrote this. John the Baptist was the messenger . He was telling us that someone was coming! Much greater than he! Someone so great that even he wasn't worthy enough to bend down like a slave to untie his sandals!
Application: What should I do?
I should be prepared. I should be a messenger for the world. Share the good news of the One who is coming and the One who has gone before us!
First, give him Adoration, next Confess whatever is on your heart. Then give Thanksgiving and finally Supplication. 
What key verse or insight will you take with you into your day?
Take-Away Thought - Proverbs 2:2-5 Turn your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God.
In my own devotion today. I have to admit I have a pretty heavy heart. God is doing a lot in mine and my families life right now. Our pastor says, If you aren't running head on with satan, then you are going the same direction.
I am hitting him head on today, full force. I've tried all day, starting out with my morning quiet time, to start this devotion challenge. It is a challenge to get others into the Word of God. It has gone on into the evening now. And I'm still struggling to get it out there. Evil tries to win, and there are spiritual battles going on all around us everyday.
Today, I am beat down, my daughter has been extremely fussy all day, and it has literally taken me all day just to do one simple devotion. I know, its not going to  be easy. But the fight is worth it. God has something so amazing waiting for us, that It drives the enemy crazy and he tries to distract and frustrate us to give up. Which I almost did several times today.
But I will chose to listen to John in Mark Chapter 1 today. Someone far greater is coming, and has already gone before us to win this battle. I've read the end of the story, I know how it will end. We win, we are victorious.
Stand tall... fight, live blessed and fruitful! Find your place of rest. In Him. 
Spiritual warfare is tough, and WILL wear you out. Right now.. I crave His love, and his intimate resting place so deeply.
As soon as my husband is home to take the baby. I'll take some "soaking music" (youtube soaking music) and I will find a dark quiet place to love on God.. And refresh.
See you tomorrow for Day 2

A Place of Quiet Rest

A Place of Quiet Rest

Nothing can compare to the joy and privilege of sitting and learning at the feet of our heavenly Master....

I have often said that if I could share just one message with others, it would be on the importance of a personal devotional life.
It's not that there aren't other important truths that need to be communicated - but I really believe that the most helpful thing I can do as a Christian (my own personal relationship with Christ) NOT religion - It would be to minister to others the importance of being in Gods Word for themselves.
I am convinced, that if you get to know God through His Word, sooner or later, God will show you what you need to know in order to deal with your most difficult issues and how to live godly, fruitful, blessed lives!

I am taking my own story into account. It is a painful story. But one of truth and beauty. In my deepest pain I loved God so much!
I found the most beautiful love I have ever encountered. I hear others say, "why must I go through this pain? God, why would you let this happen?"
It is on our knees where we find Him, When life has beat us down until there is nowhere else to turn but to God.
That is what He wants. We cannot carry this everyday life by ourselves. The load is too heavy, Jesus wants to carry it for us. But we have to ask Him.


For years, I have looked for good resources on how to have daily quiet time. I have used tons of devotional books, but never could find a book that explained how to actually develop a personal devotional habit.
I needed help to meet this need. I wanted a more intimate relationship with God, so I began to write. Journal after Journal, the devotions just came. Everyday. I began to send to my friends, my mom, my family all of these thoughts, inspirations, and what I call "Yay God" Stories :) All I knew how to do was to live my life according to Him, and others would be curious and follow.

Through my deepest pain, (as one friend put it) I was able to still praise God.
 My closest friend years ago, had shut his bible for about 12 years, and as he watched me get abused daily.. I would call to cry about the pain I was in, but went on and on about the day I would be rescued! I am hurting. but Guess what we learned in church today!!
He was intrigued at how I could still love a God, that ALLOWED me to be in pain.

God was using my story, and my testimony for a much greater purpose. He calls the weak for His strongest battles. For in the end. It glorifies His name!

Several years ago, once I was freed from this horrible situation. I was able to begin the process of getting back on my feet. I found a job, and began to heal.
I became close friends with a sweet girl.
I just knew she was in the same situation. I saw it in her eyes.
And once she reached out to me for advice, I shared my story.
Today, she is married to an amazing man, two sweet twin girls and one baby boy. I have watched her grow through the years. And I would revisit every second of my pain, if I knew it would help someone have a better life. God uses us. When we are facing battles. He is preparing us for victory. We just have to stand tall and fight!!


Pick up the Sword of the Spirit, Trust in Him, and fight. The Victory.... is beautiful!
I am also, now married to my best friend. A gorgeous babygirl. Talented, funny, amazing son, and step son. I will never be hurt like that again. God rescued me, and promised me if I stayed faithful to Him, he would give me the desires of my heart.

I want to encourage hungry believers to have a more consistent, meaningful devotional life. But, I do know for a fact. It can be overwhelming, with never ending schedules! One of satans oldest tricks are distractions. It only takes a small jump start to develop the habit of carving out time in your day to spend alone with the Lord. Trust me when I say, I began this blog this morning, and I have fought the enemy for hours now just trying to finish it! I have a headache. My daughter has had an incredibly fussy day and it is super chaotic around my home today. But, I have promised my God, I WILL finish this, and the enemys dirty trick of trying to frustrate me may only hold me down a few hours. But I will rise in Victory, as soon as this blog is posted!

One of the most practical means I have found to help develop a consistent devotional life.. is just a simple as starting out with 30 days. Rather than encouraging a lifelong commitment to have daily quiet time ( a commitment, even myself will most likely not keep for very long) Just start with making a commitment to spend some time alone with God in His Word and in prayer, every day for the next 30 days.
During these devotionals, my life has been beautifully transformed!
At first, even 5 minutes seemed too long. Now, 2 hours isn't long enough!!!!

I don't know where God has you on your walk, and the idea of a daily devotional may be new to you. Or maybe you've started and quit. Wherever you are, I want to encourage you to go further, to press deeper into an intimate relationship with God.

Over the years, whenever I have visited the devotional life, I always asked the question, "Can I admit that I don't currently have a consistent personal devotional life? And can I commit to at least 30 days alone with God each day. God does wonders, and then, I get distracted. Right now, Our pastor is speaking on acknowledging the battles of distraction.
Trying to write this blog today, I have been frustrated, distracted, wanted to give up already 3 times.
I acknowledged it. Prayed a protection over my home, thoughts and heart.
Everyday! We have to put on the Armor of God Ephesians 6... Everyday!!!!

If you are not currently enjoying a consistent devotional time with God, this may be a great start, I would like you to join the challenge with me, through my blog, my thoughts, my words, and my own battles and struggles. I want to be an accountability partner, as well as YOU be MY accountability partner. If you don't see a blog/devotional everyday, call me up and say HEY!!! Don't let distractions keep us from Gods blessings! Because they are amazing!

You may be wondering how you could possibly add "one more thing" to your already overcrowded schedule! Let me assure you that if you will make knowing God the #1 priority of your day, God will show you how to fit everything else into your day that is on HIS "to do" list for your life!  Spending time alone with the Lord each day has become an absolute necessity for me, it is one of the richest blessings of my life. That doesn't mean it's always easy! In fact, the enemy fights me on this one every day!!!! But I have determined that this is a battle worth fighting, because I know I cannot be the woman God made me to be, apart from spending time each day in His presence.

Are you ready to take this journey with me????
By Gods grace, out of a desire to know Him more intimately, I purpose to spend some time alone with the Lord in the Word and in prayer, every day for the next 30 days....
Melia Harrington :) Sign with me!! <3

Once you have made this commitment, expect that the enemy will do everything he can to hinder you from keeping it! If you miss a day, DON'T GIVE UP! Simply purpose by God's grace to keep on going. My prayer is that the 30 days, will become a life-long pattern and priority for the rest of your life, and that your life will bear the sweet fruit of an intimate love relationship with Him...

I want to share with you how to find your purpose. To prepare your Heart, to listen to God, to Respond to God, and it will all be followed with scripture.
I am in no way shape or form, some type of bible scholar, I only know what I have learned through the years, and with experience in my own walk. But I do love each of you enough not to share an amazing love.
As with the practice of Jesus, and men like Moses, Joshua, David and Daniel, I try to meet God early in the day. Go watch a sun rise, find a quiet place... grab some coffee..
Early in the day, while it is still quiet and your mind is free from distractions, Whatever time of the day you choose, find that solitary place and make sure you have your bible, a pen and a journal.
I have found that my time with the Lord is generally more meaningful (and my mind less prone to wander) when I record what God shows me in my time with Him. (Also known as Soaking)


Take time to quiet your heart before the Lord and focus your mind on Him, Ask Him to speak to you. Let Him know that you are ready to listen to Him, to learn from Him, and respond to whatever He says to you through His Word.


Read and meditate on a passage in the Word of God, Ask the spirit of God to illumine the scripture to your understanding and apply it to your life, as you read, look for
Observations, What does the passage actually say?
Interpretation, what does it mean?
Application, what should I do with it? And then...


ADORATION -  worship God for who he is, focus on various ones of his attributes, his holiness, his mercy, his majesty, that are all revealed in His word.

CONFESSION - Agree with God about anything He has revealed in your life that is not pleasing to Him, receive the forgiveness that He has provided through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

THANKSGIVING - Thank God for what He has done, for his gifts, and for how he has spoken to you through his word

SUPPLICATION - bring your request to him, both for your own needs and for the needs of others, (intercession) ask him for grace to obey his words

Keep in mind that it is not enough to just read the Bible, the object is that the words that are printed on the page will become written on your heart, and that you will come to know God intimately and reflect His heart and ways to others. Remember that this blog and devotions are only a tool, you are free to worship anyway your heart wants to. The point is to get into the Word and get the Word into you.

For each day, is a struggle, filled with battles that we sometimes don't even know about. So join me each day as we fall in love with Jesus. The one who loves us deeper than any ocean. And all the grains of sand. Its an Agape Love, Deep. So deep, there are no words to describe it.

I will begin our Journey in Mark. The gospel of Mark will give us a fresh glimpse of the Savior and His life and ministry. Reading three of Pauls epistle will help us understand how to live as a redeemed child of God <3
Meet Him There
A Quiet Place of Rest