Day 1
A Quiet Place of Rest
I must make a deliberate, daily choice to sit at His feet, to listen to His Word, to receive His love, to let Him change me <3 <3
As you begin, take a moment to quiet your heart before the Lord and focus on Him. Ask Him to speak to you, Let Him know that you are willing to listen and learn from Him through His Word.
Scripture passage: Mark 1 ( Read Mark 1 in your bible) <3
John the Baptist prepares the way for someone coming. Someone far greater than him! So great that he himself was not worthy enough to bend down like a slave to untie the straps of His sandals. John baptizes us in the water, but Jesus, baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus heals many people and teaches all of the towns of the good news! My favorite is Mark 1:23, a man was possessed by an evil spirit and began shouting. Jesus cut him short and said "Be Quiet!, Come out of the man!' The evil spirit screamed, threw the man into a convulsion and came out of him. The audience was amazed! , They began to discuss what happened.. About this new teaching, that has such authority that even evil spirits obey his orders! And the news about Jesus spread quickly!
Observations: What does this passage say? ( I have only written some of the key points of the chapter here) I challenge you to read the full chapter :)
I saw that he was sending his messenger ahead of me, he will prepare the way! Clear the road for Him! Jesus healed many people and cast out many demons. John the Baptist, baptized Jesus, and the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, a voice from heaven said, "You are my dearly loved son, and you bring me great joy!"
Interpretation: What does it mean?
The prophet Isaiah wrote this. John the Baptist was the messenger . He was telling us that someone was coming! Much greater than he! Someone so great that even he wasn't worthy enough to bend down like a slave to untie his sandals!
Application: What should I do?
I should be prepared. I should be a messenger for the world. Share the good news of the One who is coming and the One who has gone before us!
First, give him Adoration, next Confess whatever is on your heart. Then give Thanksgiving and finally Supplication.
What key verse or insight will you take with you into your day?
Take-Away Thought - Proverbs 2:2-5 Turn your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God.
In my own devotion today. I have to admit I have a pretty heavy heart. God is doing a lot in mine and my families life right now. Our pastor says, If you aren't running head on with satan, then you are going the same direction.
I am hitting him head on today, full force. I've tried all day, starting out with my morning quiet time, to start this devotion challenge. It is a challenge to get others into the Word of God. It has gone on into the evening now. And I'm still struggling to get it out there. Evil tries to win, and there are spiritual battles going on all around us everyday.
Today, I am beat down, my daughter has been extremely fussy all day, and it has literally taken me all day just to do one simple devotion. I know, its not going to be easy. But the fight is worth it. God has something so amazing waiting for us, that It drives the enemy crazy and he tries to distract and frustrate us to give up. Which I almost did several times today.
But I will chose to listen to John in Mark Chapter 1 today. Someone far greater is coming, and has already gone before us to win this battle. I've read the end of the story, I know how it will end. We win, we are victorious.
Stand tall... fight, live blessed and fruitful! Find your place of rest. In Him.
Spiritual warfare is tough, and WILL wear you out. Right now.. I crave His love, and his intimate resting place so deeply.
As soon as my husband is home to take the baby. I'll take some "soaking music" (youtube soaking music) and I will find a dark quiet place to love on God.. And refresh.
See you tomorrow for Day 2
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