Sunday, August 10, 2014

Helping your family build a relationship with Christ
{When your own is struggling}
I have a friend who is really good at quiet times with the Lord - reading the Bible, journaling, praying. When she's been with God, her face is so happy and peaceful. You can just tell she loves God, you know? 
This sort of reminds me of Moses in the Bible, when he came down from the mountain of God. His face was glowing because he had been near God!
See? You can almost sense it when people are close to God. It moves you, makes you think, inspires you...
I also sometimes find myself wondering... is the opposite true?
What if I feel FAR from God? What if I'm struggling - with anxieties, with selfishness, with just plain old haven't-spent-time-with-God-enough..
What then? For the people around me? My family, my kids? Can they sense it? How can I lead them to Christ if I'm struggling myself?
I have great tenderness in my heart for the asker of this question... Because she, the friend, is me.
Growing up, I could have won awards for church attendance, I had devotions every day! I memorized bible verses, worshipped, the whole nine yards.
Since being a mother, I have been humbled.
I battle anxiety, I crumble under the weight of being a stay at home mommy, I struggle to give, give and give to my children, or my husband. Especially when I'm exhausted. I lose my temper, complain, make my home a place of chaos, instead of peace, and I fall behind in my quiet times.
I still love the Lord with every fiber of my being, and I need Him desperately. But often I feel guilty for not "doing" enough in my relationship with God. And I get worried.
How can I lead my family to Jesus, if I myself am struggling?
Do you ever feel this way? There is much to be said on this topic! The beautiful irony of the Gospel is that we are loved, not because we are worthy, but just because, we are loved.
When we are weak, we are strong in Him.
When you have reached the end of yourself, and know, you can't do it on your own, then you are exactly where you need to be!
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. {Psalm 34:18}

Practically speaking : don't let guilt, or months, or years keep you from the Lord. You can come today! And come as you are! While folding endless piles of clothes with whispered prayers for the family that wears them. You can come through tears, after tempers were lost and mistakes were made. You can come - right now! Just as you are. It's a lie from the pit that you think you can't! 
This brings tremendous hope and encouragement to me - that the Lord is always near and always working in my life, and the lives of those I love.
If you often feel overwhelmed with the idea of leading your family to Jesus, just remember these encouraging tips. 
* You are not alone, Jesus is right beside us
* Call on Him when you feel weak
* Don't believe the lie that you are too busy or weak to spend time with Him
* Do not complain - {Philippians 2:14} Do everything without grumbling or complaining.
* Work with a humbled heart
* Remember that others are always watching, and looking up to us for His light, especially once they KNOW you have His light inside of you.
How's your attitude today?
You may not feel close to Jesus today, but because of your good attitude, others may only see Him today because of YOU.

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