Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her"
Have you ever felt like most days you are drowning in laundry, housework, baby toys, milk and smelly diapers? Wondering where the life you dreamed of in your younger years is hiding?
You are not alone!
And mom.... You have a calling and a purpose that you might not even realize yet!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Do you remember that question?
Years ago, when you were pestered to define your future, what did you say? A scientist? An astronaut, a teacher?
I'm guessing nobody said - "Someday, I want to be a mess!"

But lets be honest, after marriage, childbirth, mortgages, wrinkles, potty training, and parent teacher conferences, that's exactly what many of us have become.
A Mess!
Most days, I find myself crying into my second cup of coffee, dreaming of another life. One that I can have just a few moments to complete one single thought or one single event without interruption!
But that is not my job. My job is a mommy. And I am to be strong, a leader, a protector. a doctor, a chef, the works! And I am to do it all without complaining or grumbling! PHILLIPPIANS 2:14
To be self controlled- pure, working at home, kind and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be riviled.

As parents, God has given each of us a specific calling. Our children were designed just for us, on purpose, by an intentional and flawless God. And the family adventure he assigned might not look like the life we imagined.
  • If you dreamed of frilly dresses and God gave you boys, or you expected a sidekick but your daughter prefers hanging with Dad. Perhaps a small part of you mourns the loss of that picture you painted in your head.
  • Maybe you’re the mom of a prodigal kid. Or a child sent to Jesus too soon in our eyes. So much heartache, so many tears. Surely this isn’t how it was supposed to be.
  • Maybe you never even planned to be a mom in the first place.
Your life is not a mistake.
Perhaps your dreams were.

Consider Mary. I’ll bet her family plans were a whole lot different from what God had in mind. Good Jewish girls in her day got married, had a farm full of kids, then raised them into shepherds and field workers and tradesmen who sheltered their dear mother in her golden years.
But instead.

God planted a baby in Mary’s womb before she knew marriage. And not just any baby, but the Son of the Most High God. Do you think she ever doubted her parenting wisdom? Uh, probably. Then all the dreams she long harbored for her son’s future—her own future—hung demolished on the cross.
Or so it seemed.

We know the full story, now don’t we. Beginning with Genesis and ending one day yet to come, when God’s purposes for Mary’s child will be wholly fulfilled in ways she never could have imagined—God set a spectacular plan in motion. Mary was just a chapter in the book. In all her heartache, how could she possibly have known?
Yet when God handed her this assignment of mom to the Savior of the World, did Mary whine, “But this isn’t how I expected my life to go!”

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said” LUKE 2:18
Granted, none of us gave birth to the perfect Son of God. Maybe some days your child seems more like the spawn of Satan. But consider this: God knew, from the beginning, exactly what children he was going to place in your arms. Which means he appointed you, and you alone, the exact right fit for your kids.

You are their mother on purpose.
Can you respond with Mary’s heart and pray, “Whatever you say, God. I’m yours.”

I was blessed with a beautiful babygirl 8 months ago. And most days I feel like I am drowning. I make the decision every day to trust God, for Him to give me strength to get through the day. And be all that she and my husband needs.

But then, it does seem like, I forget about myself. And we can't do that. Fortunately I am blessed with a husband that helps me soooo much and gives me breaks. But not all mommies have that.
We have to take a few moments to ourselves! To refresh!
To spend time with God.
By sticking close to God, my daughter and I are the beautiful mess' he designed us to be—hardships and victories included. The same goes for you and me.
You’re not just good enough to do this parenting job.
You’re meant to do it.
God says so.

Those precious babies are looking up to YOU! What a gift! That God chose YOU!
Love, Melia Harrington

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